Friday, November 8, 2019

Making Moments Count

Five days ago I was holding a 5 day old baby and marvelling at how tiny but perfectly formed she was, while aware of how completely vulnerable and dependent on those who care for her she is.

Tonight I’m sitting in a secure care facility watching and listening to my mother, who at 75 is now fully in the throws of dementia, talking jibber, needing help to move, to eat and drink and again i am aware of how vulnerable and completely dependent on on those who care for her she is.

The circle of life. It starts and it finishes, often back where it started.

We owe it to that tiny little baby and to our mother, and all others like her, to ensure those years in between are precious. That we make the most of them. That we cram amazing experiences and find things and people to love. A reminder to ensure our years are not wasted with unnecessary worries and tedious conflicts.

We need to learn from the mistakes we have made as individuals and as a human race; the wars, the planetary damage, the and do better.

We need to figure out what is important and we need to make sure that is what happens, what is prioritised in our lives.

And that might be huge. But we can do it both one at a time and joined together. We have to. We owe it to that tiny little baby for the life ahead of her and the people like our mother so the life she has led is not in vain.

Otherwise what does it all mean? What has been the point?

Let’s make our lives count every day. We all matter. Tell someone you love them today. Show someone you care. Look out for others.

Make each moment count.