Friday, July 11, 2014

Everyone Takes Their Own Steps

"Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children."

There haven't been a lot of steps to climb in a cold rainy KatiKati but I've seen a lot of steps taken.

From a 15 month old niece  taking steps and getting into everything with a supreme confidence in herself, to the 12 year old nieces who all of a sudden seem way older than the last time I saw them 6 months ago.

Spent the morning trawling photos in albums and on the computer to make a photo story for dad's birthday celebrations tomorrow. Always fun matching up photos and music.

Found a series of photos that tell the story of siblings through the years.

And a photo of Sam and me from 20 years ago, and one from Christmas just last year. Our children sure do grow up!

Be great to catch up with family and friends tomorrow. Sad that not everyone can be there but that's how it goes as we all grow up and move away to different places and have other commitments.

We know everyone that can't be there in person, is there in thought.

"Treasure what you have today, for yesterday is past. Appreciate the love of family and friends, for the time they are here."

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