Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family.

So today was a day six weeks in the making. It was Mum’s 70th birthday celebrations. A bit of a surprise for her because she turns 70 in about 2 weeks. She was expecting the five of us and our respective partners and families for lunch.
At 10.30am we told here that there was actually a few more people than that arriving and that we would be having lunch at the rugby club instead.

The scheming of the last few days, the all going out at different times to decorate the clubrooms, to practice songs, to prepare food, all came together.
Mum and Dad before leaving the house
Everyone got involved and contributed different things, all using our various skill sets to their best use.

We ended up with about 70 people there for lunch. 
Friends and families. Connections from long ago, and connections more recent.

People we didn’t know but had ferretted out contact details for.

People who had last seen some of us 20 years ago.

Photo stories, grandchildren speaking, a daughter and granddaughter singing Ave Maria, speeches from all five children, some amazing food  and lots and lots of laughter marked the day a special one for Mum in ever so many ways.


Over the shoulder looks from the youngest and eldest grandchildren- born 25 years apart!

Children, partners and grandchildren.

And the fact we managed to keep it mostly a secret from her until an hour before it started was pretty special too.

So today was all about connections. 

Connections with family.
 It’s a pretty telling indication of the family connections that the parents of partners of the family were present. Connections spread everywhere in our family.

Connections with friends. Old workmates and friends. New neighbours. All there. All mingling and making connections together.

Mum speaking at the end of the day.

“Connecting with those you know love, like and appreciate you restores the spirit and give you energy to keep moving forward in this life.” 
Deborah Day

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