“Well, I know now. I know a little more how much a simple thing like a snowfall can mean to a person”
― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
January 14
I wanted snow...and I sure got it.
The temperature was reasonable the first couple of days in a Finland. Around 1-3 degrees.
But we were told it was going to snow at the weekend. and snow it did. We went for a drive and small snowflakes were dropping. That was kind of exciting.
But after a bit of a rest back at the hotel, we woke up to find snow covering the ground.
That was really exciting, even if the temperature had dropped to about -5.
We tried to get the snow off the car to go out for dinner but gave up pretty quickly and stayed in for the night.
The next day calked for a bit of snow play before venturing out in the car again. Temperature dropping towards -8 by midday Sunday.
We went to visit a school on Mondays morning. Schools are locked up fairly securely and we found ourselves waiting outside for 15 minutes with lines of kids for the doors to be unlocked. Only -11 degrees!
This morning we headed to the airport to fly to Sweden and onto Poland. We left the hotel at 4am. the car told us it was-14 outside. the plane taxied to the end of the runway and then we were delayed while the wings were de-iced.
There is definitely something magical and special about snow. And I'm quite happy that the temperature in Poland where we are headed now is a balmy -3, rather than -14!
And just to put that into perspective, our air conditioner coolest setting is 17 degrees. And when I sit under it is very very cold - lovely. But what does -14 feel like?