“That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.”
― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
DAY 10 January 2
So the next part of the journey began today.
Angela and I caught a shuttle bus to Auckland where we checked in to travel to Melbourne.
I am writing this entry sitting on the plane an hour out of Melbourne.
And I could say all kinds of things about the first step of the journey on an international flight! But I get the feeling there will be many more chances to do that over the next few weeks.
So instead I have been reminded of the powerful journey books and movies could take us on.
I was introduced to the book Mr Pip by a friend and colleague in the middle of last year. It was seeming like a great book to read to kids maybe helping them to see that there people in huge world much less fortunate than them. However Megan got so far through the book with the kids and had to stop reading it as the content got a bit too heavy.
When the movie came out Megan again recommended it but I've never had a chance to see it.
I'm not sure on a plane was the best place to experience this journey.
There were a few moments where I literally jumped out of my seat! and I'm sure at least one moment where I exclaimed loudly in horror at what was happening.
The queues of people linking up for the toilet right over my shoulder were also slightly off putting, I kept looking to see if any children were coming so I could turn the screen around! Not always the happiest of scenes bring shown.
And at least the sad young man on the other side of the aisle who spent the first hour of the flight crying, has cheered up as he laughed at me!
But what a powerful reminder of the importance of letting books and movies take us on figurative journeys.
What an important message to impart and inspire in the young people of the world.
I read a really good "teacher" book a few weeks ago about the ways to inspire middle school kids to embrace reading and watching this movie about the power the book Great Expectations had on this remote community in Papua New Guinea has again rekindled my enthusiasm for making sure the young people I work with over the next year have every chance possible to immerse themselves in the journeys that books and movies can give us.
I know I am looking forward to grabbing some time over the next few weeks to immerse myself in some of the fiction I have downloaded on my kindle. Reading fiction is something I don't make enough of a priority for sometimes in term time. A few long flights in the next month might give me the time to sit and get totally immersed in those stories, whether it's reading them or watching them.
Fantasy is a good exercise bike for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Terry Pratchett
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